The importance of website security

the importance of website security

Many people overlook the importance of website security, but we’re here to help you make effective decisions to keep your website safe. In this blog, we’re looking into the importance of website security.

Around 30,000 websites are hacked daily, which can be extremely stressful for business owners and web teams worldwide. It’s worth noting that even secure websites can experience issues, but this is why it’s vital that you have a quality web security team who are on hand to rectify issues quickly.

Key reasons why you NEED to prioritise website security

Website hacks can impact your customers

The last thing you want is customers choosing to work with your competitors because of an experience that you could have helped. Hackers might infect websites by installing malicious software. This can either allow them to steal data or even redirect traffic to a different site that then infects their devices too.

Users are unlikely to continue using your website if they find that it has caused issues such as data breaches. You need to ensure that your website keeps user’s data safe.

Hackers having access to your customer’s name and email address is bad enough, but the risk only grows when you run an eCommerce site. These sites often hold sensitive data such as addresses and payment information. If this data is stolen, your customers could become victims of identity fraud and other cyber attacks.

Hacking and cyber threats cause website downtime

Hacking and data theft impact you and your customers. When your website is infected with hacked materials, fixing and installing more robust web security measures takes time. During this time, your website is likely to experience downtime. This leads to frustrated customers who cannot access your website and lost revenue as you cannot make sales online.

This is absolutely critical for online-only businesses, as this is their only method of completing sales.

The number of hacked websites is on the rise

Unfortunately, more and more websites are getting hacked every single day. Many of these are automatic bots that cause issues. Studies show that 42% of website traffic comes from bots. By implementing robust security measures, you can reduce the risks that these bots pose.

Thankfully, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of damage caused by website hacking. We’ll let you know more about these security features later in the blog.

Security breaches lead to a damaged reputation

If your website has been hacked and it has caused problems, then it’s likely that some or all of your customers will have found out. This can lead to risks to your company’s reputation, leading to fewer people choosing to work with your business.

It’s a good idea to let users know if your website’s security has been compromised, as this allows them to take steps to secure their accounts. If the data breach makes your customers identifiable, you must make them aware. Data protection laws in some countries mean that you are legally responsible for letting website visitors know about a security breach.

Search engine issues

Google and other search engines are constantly working to make the online experience better for users. Part of this involves ensuring that websites are safe.

Search engines do not hide the fact that security plays a role in your ranking on the results pages. They can even display warnings to users who attempt to visit your website if there is a risk that their data will not be secure. This will put users off visiting your site, and they will likely move on to a competitor.

Aside from penalising websites that aren’t secure, you may even find yourself on a search engine blacklist, which means the site will not be displayed.

It’s more expensive to rectify the situation

Keeping your website secure is more efficient and cost-effective than waiting for something to go wrong. If hackers get into your website and install malicious code or software, you will face the consequences of losing customers and sales. Additionally, you will be worse off in the long term due to your damaged reputation.

The best thing to do is ensure excellent security on your website at all times, reducing the risk of any issues. Plus, if issues do arise, great security means that they can be rectified before they escalate into a bigger problem. You’re much better off taking a proactive approach to web security. Read our blog on business website hosting.

How to keep your website secure

Here are some simple tips on how to keep your website secure for users.

  • Use a high-quality hosting company
  • Ensure that your website is on a quality web server
  • Utilise security plugins that scan your content management system and notify you if something isn’t right – A WordPress site is highly effective for this.
  • Ensure that your website is updated regularly
  • Ensure that regular backups are completed
  • Always use strong passwords for site admins – look into multi-factor authentication and role-based access control.
  • Ensure SSL certificates are up to date

At Complete Dubai, we ensure that all our websites are secure, updated, and regularly backed up. We use quality servers and complete scans of each website so that we can rectify any issues quickly, leading to minimal downtime for your site. We’re on hand for all technical support.

Are you looking for support for your website’s security? Contact us to see how we can help.

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